
Enhanced Electronic Incident Board (EEIB)

The Enhanced Electronic Incident Board (EEIB) is a set of software and hardware components integrated in DCS used in order to replace Plexiglas Incident board used on board of Navy ships.
Installed in critical zones of the ship dedicated to the safety management, it ensures an overall real time monitoring of the emergency fighting progress.

  • A set of large screen displays for the visualization of the ship emergency situation
  • Multi-deck and global vessel view
  • Rugged tablet PC for onsite emergency information inputs


  • Compliant with Navy Incident Board criteria in terms of Ship visualization, symbols and relevant colors
  • Compliant with Italian Navy graphical and ergonomic standards
  • Multi-touch gestures features
  • Hand or aided drawings features
  • Real time information sharing among all of DCS workstations
  • Specially designed to manage on-line and off-line tablet operation and synchronization


EEIB software is designed for Martec (www.martec.it) special purpose hardware.

Technical contacts
ASIC – m.anzola@asic.it

Business contacts
Martec – g.griva@martec.it